Stork and Cradle

Rest is Best

When a woman becomes pregnant she may find the need to remain working. Chances are that if she is working outside the home, she will continue working until the doctors orders her to bed rest. However, new studies say that women who spend long hours (more than 40 hours a week) on their feet during pregnancy may aid in the slowing of their baby’s growth.

According to a vitals NBC article written by Racheal Rettner, a study was conducted that showed “women who stood for long periods at work during pregnancy had babies whose heads were, smaller” than the average size. Although no information has been disclosed about the affect the decrease in size has on the babies brain, the heads of the affected baby are, “on average 1 centimeter smaller in circumference than those of the average baby”.
Although working long hours can slow a baby’s growth and increase risk of birth defects, engaging in physically demanding work does not put women in risk for premature birth.

However here are a few things to keep in mind:
1.     If working is absolutely necessary while pregnant monitor your range of motion. Make sure you are walking, sitting and standing throughout your workday. Remember that sitting for long periods of time can increase your risk of blood clots, so range of motion is necessary.
2.     If leave of absence is not available for you, speak with human resources or management about standing on the job; sometimes a stool or chair may be available for your use. There may even be a way to have the amount of hours you world decreased or switched while you’re expecting.

Remember you are no longer taking care of yourself, but of your little bundle of joy as well. Think smart and ask the necessary questions. Happy working!

Holiday Foods to Avoid

The holidays are always a time for good food, laughter and family fun. Although this is the time when most diets and food inhibitions go out the window, there are still several precautions to take to protect you and your baby-to-be during the holidays.
1. Raw Batter
Don’t be tempted to lick the spoon on uncooked cake batter. Doing so could increase your chances of getting salmonella poisoning from the raw eggs.
2.     Stuffing
Consider cooking stuffing separately rather than inside the turkey. In most cases, the inside of the turkey does not get hot enough to kill all of the harmful bacteria than can transferred from the undercooked meat to the stuffing.
3.     Wines and Eggnog
Alcohol consumption should be prevented during any time of pregnancy, so celebratory wine and alcoholic eggnog are out of the question. Instead, drink many stores sparkling cider and soy eggnog. 
4.     Soft Cheeses
Many times soft cheeses are made with unpasteurized milk that may contain listeria, a bacteria known to cause miscarriages and stillbirths.
5.     Seafood( Raw & Smoke)
Seafood is very risky during pregnancy. Fish such as catfish, salmon, and swordfish have been linked to having high traces of mercury. Mercury during pregnancy can lead to mental and physical birth defects.
6.     Undercooked Meat
Consuming undercooked meat may result in salmonella poisoning. Tip: The inside of your turkey should reach at least 180 degrees.

Key Notes
- Make sure all dairy items are pasteurized.
- Don't eat anything raw.
- No alcohol!

Don’t let this list put a damper on you holiday preparation. Use this time to explore new, fun dishes and beverages to ensure you and your baby have a happy and safe holiday season.  

Breast Is Best #NormalizeNursing

Last month, Yaya DaCosta the runner-up of Season 3 of America’s Next Top Model’s posted two photos of her breastfeeding her son. The first photo was captioned:

I know I’m late, but I haven't been on the computer much lately. I just heard about the uproar over @ash3nicole pic & had to post a copycat photo in solidarity. I hope that you don't mind, beautiful sistren. I’m so proud of you and stand by you! #breastisbest #whattheyaremadefor  #getoverit  #mamasunite#movement

A month before Yaya post, her friend Ashley Nicole posted a photo of her breastfeeding her son on Instagram. Obviously there was backlash to which she posted this witty response, but the controversy only brings up the age old question: When will the world accept breastfeeding instead of condemning the mothers who do it?

This case is one of many. Just last month, Delta Airlines came under fire after a representative told a nursing mother she could not breastfeed her son without a cover. They have since apologized, but not before many mothers and maternity groups alike issued their dissatisfaction.

The Stir wrote this post about 9 Ridiculous Places That Have Hassled Breastfeeding Moms stating that even a hospital chastised a mother for breastfeeding. What are your opinions? Should mothers be forced to hide when their babies need something so crucial as food? Let us know.

The Natural Option

Giving birth is one most magical experiences a woman can endure. After the baby is born however, it is important to provide the baby with the essential nutrients needed for its first few months on earth. Although many women opt out of breastfeeding, breast milk is the most nutritional option for the baby. Breastfeeding is easier to consume than formula. It also provides protection against infections and disease, building the child’s immune system.
Not only is breastfeeding beneficial for the baby, it is helpful for the mother. Breast milk ultimately saves money, where formula and feeding supplies would cost over 1,000 over a time period, breast milk is naturally cheaper. Breastfeeding is also beneficial for mothers. It allows the uterus to contract after birth. The closeness of breastfeeding boosts the mother’s oxytocin levels, which calms the mother.

            The intimate skin to skin connection that breastfeeding provides the mother and child, allow a bond to be created. Breastfeeding is just one option among others for ensuring that your little ball of sunshine gets the nutrients that he/she needs during these early stages of life. Consider breastfeeding as one of your many options to make the baby’s tummy happy.